Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stupid Phones

Smart phones are Stupid phones. I went out to dinner a couple nights ago, and started paying attention to a couple who was dressed up and on a date night. I noticed that when they weren't talking it was almost instinct to pull out their iPhone slide their little finger to unlock to screen only to discover, nothing. They just sat and  clicked around until one of them said something and then when they both acknowledged that they were looking at each other the phones were put away. But when it fell silent again the process repeated.

I don't know what this means but what I see when I look at this is discomfort. People don't just sit while someone else is busy poking around on their phone, even if they have nothing to do they will shut themselves out to appear busy. I guess I'm just old fashioned as fuck, if I go out to dinner I don't even bring my phone and if I need to take a call in a room filled with people I quietly dismiss myself and take the call in a separate room.

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