Monday, November 21, 2011


conclusion. media overload me and my brain. how do I feel about that? for now its ok, I am young and hyperactive and like a lot of constantly flowing information that keeps me entertained and learning. But will I always feel this way, will I ever resent it, will I ever wish I did something else? I'm gonna go ahead and say no I won't always feel this way, I see how it consumes lives. It circulates and devours like the fucking plague, never stopping to submerge peoples lives. For this fact and the fact that media is largely created based on the sole purpose of money makes me know I will grow very tired of this endless game. I want to move to Baja Mexico, I know this is random but its my plan if my shit hits the crazy fan and all the pieces get blown away in the wind.

this is not the kingdom

I saw a symbol once, something like a piece of media, and the symbol consisted of an oval (making the base), a triangle (placed upright with its bottom in the middle of the oval), and a diamond (placed at the top of the triangle so they bottom of the diamond over laps the tip of the triangle to make another smaller diamond shape). This is not the kingdom. The overlapped part is filled in black to represent the small elite margin who are in charge and are ranked at the top of the hierarchy. The 1%, or more recently the .1%. This is not the kingdom. This is not what I want, this is not what we need. We need this symbol to be flipped upside down, so that the oval (representing the base or foundation) is at the top along with the vast group that makes of the middle of the hierarchy. You might ask why put the base or the foundation at the top instead of the bottom? because when its physically put at the bottom it gets forgotten because we are above it, not looking at it, but why? Why don't we look at it more often? After all it is what we developed to be the foundation of what we are trying to construct. For this reason we must not forget out home base, our foundation, our original beliefs and they must be placed at the top like a flag on its post waving high in the air representing a core of beliefs. We don't need a tiny rich elite to run our country anymore, if they want to keep their rolls then they go to the bottom of the scale, they do not tell us what is best for us if they are not one of us. bottom line.


I have been looking at a lot of typography books lately and I decided to dig up my old Typography projects from sophomore year. Type might be one of the smallest scales of art there is. The entire nature or typography makes my head spin; these letters appear at the press of a button in all different shapes and forms but not many realize the power behind these tiny letters. To harness this power it is in the hands of the designer to select key and meaningful words to express and also compose a balanced composition of type. I won't forget this little crush of mine on typography, I hope we can have a long, joyous, and extremely experimental relationship together always and forever 8]


It's becoming very apparent that shit is changing for me, and I guess for everyone else too. But people Always ask me what I am doing after college. I don't know what most other college seniors think when asked this question, but I never do take it lightly, even if I do respond with an immature kiddish answer. I'm trying to get an internship for a big company called Logitech, and this is the first rude awakening I've had that's really made me realize that this is it, it's fucking coming. Weather I'll admit it or not the time to be somebody is fucking coming, and that's exactly it, I'm not anybody yet.
We've spent this whole time testing things out and taking delicate notes on what we like and don't like to slowly put shape and dimension to the lives that we live. But we haven't really done anything beside school; school is a typical prerequisite to becoming someone usually but I know its not till you make it out there when the real learning takes place. So now I am very conscious of this and I know that I need more dimension, I have the determination, discipline, and right attitude to become someone out there, now I just need to fine-toon my machines and ammunition to get ready for war.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The average cookie cutter American life is no more different then a rat trying to find its way through a maze in a science lab. You can take any avenue you wish, but not all will lead to the end, sometimes you hit a point where you cannot go anymore in that direction, limits. But since our avenues aren't empty and barren as they are in a rat maze, It can get more complex like dealing with Tetris. As we wonder through the maze different shaped 'blocks' or 'opportunities' fall in front of you and you can fit this new 'block' or 'opportunity' into your life and the best way you see fit. Sometimes you get the square block when you need the 'L' shaped block but that's limits.

Imagine if there were not limits, nothing holding you back from anything. If you died it didn't matter because someone or something new was waiting to fill your space when you left. No feelings to consequences, you just did 100% what you wanted to do with no regulations. Now stop imagining, and just fucking do it.


Technology is the newest cult. It has followers, believers, enemies, gatherings, and the ability to grow, change, accomplish, and destroy. People like to belong to things, now the easiest and most hip thing to belong to is technology. People don't one Mac product like an iTouch, they also have the iPhone, the Macbook or the iPad. And with all of these they still need an iPod. When people look at these accessories they see comfort, happy times, and a community. I know that when I see someone with a skateboard and I have mine to I feel a little tingle of familiarity like I know that person even though I've never met them. In a sense the ice has already been broken between you two, but what are good cults to belong to and what are bad ones? Who the f is in charge?


This blog has become my personal venting tool. Krys, I'm sorry about that so if you read this and start hating me I totally understand, just promise to still grade me fairly, which I know that you will.

But because I just realized all the negative juju coming from this blog I want to talk about a book we just read, Convergence Culture by Henry Jenkins. This book brought up a lot of solid points to how these new technologies really do benefit society. If you think about kids being born now or even up to five years ago, the first pieces of technology they are going to become familiar with are iPhones, iPads, and laptops, while we were gently brought into this world as they eventually were put on the market. Children who are being born now have huge parts of their upbringing on these new technologies and making things like a whiteboard for a classroom but in the style of an iPad is genius. It makes learning interactive, fun, and relate able to the younger generations of the world.