Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The average cookie cutter American life is no more different then a rat trying to find its way through a maze in a science lab. You can take any avenue you wish, but not all will lead to the end, sometimes you hit a point where you cannot go anymore in that direction, limits. But since our avenues aren't empty and barren as they are in a rat maze, It can get more complex like dealing with Tetris. As we wonder through the maze different shaped 'blocks' or 'opportunities' fall in front of you and you can fit this new 'block' or 'opportunity' into your life and the best way you see fit. Sometimes you get the square block when you need the 'L' shaped block but that's limits.

Imagine if there were not limits, nothing holding you back from anything. If you died it didn't matter because someone or something new was waiting to fill your space when you left. No feelings to consequences, you just did 100% what you wanted to do with no regulations. Now stop imagining, and just fucking do it.

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