It's becoming very apparent that shit is changing for me, and I guess for everyone else too. But people Always ask me what I am doing after college. I don't know what most other college seniors think when asked this question, but I never do take it lightly, even if I do respond with an immature kiddish answer. I'm trying to get an internship for a big company called Logitech, and this is the first rude awakening I've had that's really made me realize that this is it, it's fucking coming. Weather I'll admit it or not the time to be somebody is fucking coming, and that's exactly it, I'm not anybody yet.
We've spent this whole time testing things out and taking delicate notes on what we like and don't like to slowly put shape and dimension to the lives that we live. But we haven't really done anything beside school; school is a typical prerequisite to becoming someone usually but I know its not till you make it out there when the real learning takes place. So now I am very conscious of this and I know that I need more dimension, I have the determination, discipline, and right attitude to become someone out there, now I just need to fine-toon my machines and ammunition to get ready for war.
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